my god waits for thee, singing a false song.

False SONG.

an independent carrd for I'reh Yhisa of FF14.

  You can believe in whatsoever you like, but the truth remains the truth, no matter how sweet the lie may taste

carrd template by solarsources

Voice Claims


name:   I'reh Yhisa [name change soon]
alias:   Anubis
age:   ???
pronouns:   He/They

height:   5'9
hair color:   Black with white dyed
eye color:   Salmon pink
notable features:   Multiple face piercings and tattoos

moral alignment:   Neutral
myers-briggs:   INFJ
temperament:   Phlegmatic
enneagram:   6, Questioner

I'reh was born into a secretive cult nestled deep underground Mor Dhona. The cult, known as the Order of the Eternal Dawn, believed fervently in the impending arrival of their long-prophesied deity, the "Child of the Sun," who would lead them to spiritual enlightenment and ultimate salvation. I'reh, from a young age, was heralded as the chosen vessel for this divine entity. His birth was hailed as a miracle, his every action scrutinized for signs of his godly nature. Raised within the cloistered confines of the cult, i'reh was taught to believe in his own supposed divinity, even as doubts gnawed at the edges of his consciousness. As he matured, i'reh became increasingly aware of the falsehoods perpetuated by the cult leaders. He realized that he was just an ordinary human being, burdened with the weight of expectations and adoration he could never hope to fulfill. Solely because he was born different. Despite his inner turmoil, he played along with the charade, fearing the consequences of defying the cult's authority. However, as i'reh approached his eighteenth year, the pressure became unbearable. The cult's demands grew more extreme, and i'reh could no longer stomach the deceit. With a heavy heart and a mind filled with uncertainty, he devised a daring plan to escape his gilded cage. Faking his own death during a ritual ceremony meant to solidify his divine status, i'reh vanished into the night, leaving behind a world that had been suffocating him. With nothing but the clothes on his back, the marks on his skin, and a heart heavy with the weight of his deception, he disappeared into the wilderness, determined to forge his own path.
Now, on the run from the cult's zealous followers who still believe him to be their messiah, i'reh navigates a world he barely understands, haunted by the specter of his past and uncertain of his future. He forgets his age.. and time.. due to how long he has been running. But with each step he takes away from his former life, he finds a glimmer of hope—a chance to rediscover his true self and reclaim the agency that was stolen from him. A new dawn has shown, and a new beacon of hope and love.
Due to years of paranoia and running, developing insomnia was bound to occur. Rest has never come easy to him, dreams plagued by flashing memories... maybe someday he will be free.

Additional Oc's.

X'era Bairon---In use
Xarriiah Boxind---Not in use